More about Bernard.
To schedule speaking engagements or tours with Bernard Offen contact him at
“I met Bernard Offen through our talk show series and was amazed not only with the fact that he was a survivor, but that he had decided in his life to tell the world what had happened to him and what it meant to be a survivor.
He spoke of the fact that he had been in five camps during the war, one of which he actually broke into because he was so hungry. I was impressed with what I called his grace in dealing with these memories and sharing them in walks among the ghosts of today’s Auschwitz.
We’ve all met survivors, and they are all unforgettable, but Bernard Offen is the most unforgettable survivor I have ever met. He deals with his memories and tells his story in a way that no one has heard it can ever forget, and for that reason if no other he is somebody we all need to hear.
He is soft spoken and thoughtful, and you wonder where the anger is. Perhaps his telling over the years has softened the anger, and looking for it in him is the challenge of hearing his story - listening to the adolescent boy who survived and now speaks through the man who 70 years later is still trying to understand what happened.
Bernard has thought it through, and continues to do so, and his horrifying experiences have brought him a peace, a wisdom, that can come only with a lifetime of painful reflection.”
-Jay Fidell
President and CEO of ThinkTech Hawaii, Inc.